Saturday, March 19, 2011

Infectious love

"How did we meet? Well, I'll be honest, we met on the internet."

That's how I fell in love over the past week. I fell in love with this:

Mono Green Infect
Featured by Tommy Brown on 2011-03-13 ()
As written about in
Print this deck!


Contagion Clasp
Piston Sledge
Tumble Magnet

Artifact Creatures
Plague Myr

Blight Mamba

Giant Growth
Vines of Vastwood

Basic Lands
22 Forest

Inkmoth Nexus

Sword of Body and Mind
Corpse Cur
Obstinate Baloth
Viridian Corrupter
Pistus Strike
Creeping Corrosion

Average mana: 1.13
Average creature mana cost: 2.60
Average creature power: 1.80
Average creature toughness: 1.40

Deck Composition:
Artifacts: 11.67%
Artifact Creatures: 13.33%
Basic Lands: 36.67%
Creatures: 11.67%
Instants: 20.00%
Lands: 6.67%

I'm going to Burbank next weekend and I am planning on playing in the StarCityGames standard open where I plan on winning huge amounts of cash money with this deck.

What's that reader? You want a video of how I really feel like this deck performs? Ask and you shall receive.

There are a couple of things about the deck I have been thinking about. Like why Creeping Corrosion when Nature's Claim is just more

The interesting thing about Blight Mamba is

Here is another little doozy: Teetering Peeks. Before you call shotgun on the "Wilson is one of dem retards because he wants to play something that makes that there fire mana in one of dem plant mana decks" well reader who speaks like a hick, let me free your mind. Think of Teetering Peaks not as a land, but as a spell that costs zero. There you go. Your mind is free. You're welcome.


I think I may put Mold Shambler into the sideboard to deal with Gideon Jura....


......Whoa, what just happened? I blacked out for a second and had a crazy dream that I actually thought Mold Shambler was good. Oh well, thank goodness that was only a dream. 

Well, watch my progress at I'll be the guy infecting people with love....and POISON...but mostly love.

Until next time

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