Friday, June 10, 2011

Wizards of the Coasts and the Commander format and other dysfunctional relationships

In the past few days, we of the EDH/Commander format saw cards spoiled that will "help" us play EDH (I'm dropping Commander from now on in this article). I use the quotations around "help" very loosely. Wizards of the Coast saw a cash cow in the EDH format and jumped in with both feet. And then jumped on it again and again like a small child who just found a puddle.

Now, I am all for stupid, ridiculous cards that are just not fair. However, when I see that WotC is making these new decks that make me say "Well jeepers, I have to buy this to stay competitive!" it kind of makes me a little peeved. I get over that quickly and just come to terms that. Now, I start looking at the cards and about the 3rd card deep I start going into this:

I mean, holy shit snacks! Are you kidding me?! All of these cards look like they have never been play tested and are just dumb! With that being said, here are the cards I am really excited to play myself:

Easily the best land you can have in a EDH deck. Just think, you are playing some kind of Bant commander. You have Seaside Citadel in your hand and you also have this. You have to generate a mana on turn one. Is there even a argument here?!

Ways to make this card not broken: Make it Legendary. How fun would it be to battle over a Command Tower.

Ugh. Moving on. (Love Command Tower)

I like the Join Forces mechanic. I really REALLY like the Join Forces mechanic. I like, even more than the Join Forces mechanic, Collective Voyage. Sure, you can draw some cards with the blue one or make a dragon really beefy, but for one mana, you can excel your turn 4 into turn 6 (1 to play Collective Voyage, 2 mana to search out 2 lands, turn 4 you play your 6th land). This means, for those of you not getting it, if a turn 4 Primeval Titan, who turns your turn 5 into turn 9 (Same as above, but add two more lands from the Titan)! Holy land ramp Batman! Joining Forces is fun, but I really like the idea of watching people tap out then playing a card like this.


I've always thought that red has gotten the shaft in EDH. You can't burn them out and trying to out control a blue deck is...well...Link to funny "Not fair" picture .

Stranglehold are what blue decks are going to be saying that isn't fair (you can just click on the link with the picture again). I would have loved to see this card cost 1 red, but at 4 mana, you can still get it in under the wire before they can go off with Time Warp. This one card makes me want to start playing decks with red in if there was a good general with red.....Hmmmm....

Nope. Can't think of one.


  1. Word on the Join Forces love. That shit is rad. Now we can team up on people who play Primeval Titan, Gaea's Cradle, and Deserted Temple!

    Oh wait, I play those cards...

  2. i might have just bought Gaea's Cradle, or i might not have...
