Thursday, May 10, 2012

Weekly Top 5: Most fun creature types

Hello everyone and welcome to the first, of hopefully many (before everyone realizes I have no talent and I should be fired), of strategy articles for! In this incarnation, we're going to talk about the top 5 most fun creature types to play. In these articles, I am going to just touch on certain formats, but since I play commander mostly, that will be the default format. Commander is also just the format that you can really stretch your legs and say "You know what Call to the Kindred, you are going to see some play today!" So, without further ado, lets begin with number 5:

5. Elves

I am going to get a lot of flack for this one. There is always that one guy in the play group who will play a tribal deck absolutely to death. That guy will, no matter what the meta looks like, will bring Goblins to a legacy tournament. Who is this guy? Well that's me. Except I personally think the Goblins legacy deck is worse than the plot twist of a M. Night Shyamalan movie (Really? The plants did it?!). Elves will always have a special place in my heart. I would play elves in commander and I would get comments like "I see the same cards over and over again when you play that deck! You must be cheating!" Actually cheating aside, the great thing about this deck is that it may look like you are seeing the same cards, however, they are just cards that do exactly the same thing. Elvish Archdruid, Priest of Titania and Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary all do the same thing! Green Sun's Zenith, Fierce Empath and Primal Command all go get our friend Primeval Titan, Regal Force or Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger. While this may be about fun with creature types, elves, while I know you have you hands over your ears and saying "La la la! Cannot hear you!", are fun because of the consistency you get from them. Do you have fun being screwed out of mana? Do you have fun getting your face bashed in by your opponents? Do you like bashing your opponents faces? The defense rests.

4. Snakes.

After you Samual L Jackson.

Here are some fun facts about snakes. They are cold blooded. They smell with their tongue. They will beat your face in with mana, drawing cards and big bodies. They lay eggs!

Snakes have been around in Magic a very long time. Sabertooth Cobra was ahead of the curve and first brought us poison. Lotus Cobra is still an all-star in all environments. Snakes also give you great card draw such as Seshiro the AnointedOphidian and Ohran Viper. Snakes act a lot like elves, without all that flash and pizzaz that comes with playing elves. Snakes do what snakes do best. They lie in wait and snap at you if you are coming too close. 

So, go shed some skin, sit in the sun for a while, eat an entire rabbit and then beat your opponents faces.  

3. Human

Kill all humans you say? You know how many humans there are in the game of Magic the Gathering? Don't cheat! Take a guess...

500? Way too low.

750? Nope.

1,000?! Getting closer.

1,250?!?! Still not there.

1,385. That is how many humans you have to choose from. I heard a bunch of people say Human Frailty is not a great card. You can just say "1,385". When they ask what you are talking about, that is when you drop a piano on them and then ask them how they feel about Human Frailty. Now if we only had a piano...

Human's are by far the most fun because they interact with each other (Champion of the Parish), but they do so many different things! You can beat down with them, you can do crazy things with human wizards like Snapcaster MageRasputin DreamweaverZur the Enchanter or Azami, Lady of Scrolls. You can play with human werewolves! You can go with human rebels!  The possibilities are almost endless with the choices you can make with humans. Kill all humans? Just try. There are a lot of them and they all defend themselves with sticks. 

2. Zombies

"Hey, hey, hey. What's in your head, 
In your head, 
Zombie, zombie, zombie? 
Hey, hey, hey, hey, oh, dou, dou, dou, dou, dou...
 " -Zombie by the Cranberries

Maybe not the best song, but zombies don't care. They will eat the Cranberries brains and keep on moving through each band from the 1990's. Yes Savage Garden. They are looking at you. Zombies are the new ninjas, which use to be the new pirates, which use to be penguins. However, is there a new show called "The Walking Penguin"? Been there Morgan Freeman. Done that. 

Zombies use to be off my radar until I saw some standard decks pop up with them. Using Gravecrawler, Geralf's Messenger and Mortarpod to just shoot your opponent for a thousand damage. But when you start looking at zombies in a commander environment, you start finding great cards that also work with this strategy. Vengeful Dead and Diregraf Captain are the first that come in mind. Zombie don't just have this machine gun type strategy. Zombies are great doing exactly what they are made for: Coming back from the dead! There are hundreds of cards that are zombie related that start chucking zombies out of your graveyard and you can start commanding them to munch on your opponents brains. So what makes zombies fun? Uh, how about the fact you can just yell "BRAAAAAINS!!!" at your opponent the whole game? 

1. Eldrazi!! No....elves again! Erm...what is this....Everything? Well that must mean that number 1 is:


Oh man. Why have to chose from one creature type when you can choose from all of them? These little guys are all over the map and some pretty wacky stuff can be done with them. One card I have been looking at forever is Call to the Kindred. This thing is combo-riffic. You can put in onto any changeling and just watch your opponents as you start flipping creatures off the top of your deck straight into play. Free Eldrazi? Sure. Primeval Titan off the top? Why not. 
Along with just being busted and working with everything, they have some pretty nifty cards too. Shapesharer will start transforming all of your changelings into whatever the best thing is on the table. In commander, a turn 2 or 3 Taurean Mauler can sometimes just take over a game by himself. Of course though, the shapeshifter that leads the charge is Mirror Entity. If you want to talk about fun, this guy takes the game, stands it up on it's head and says "this card is going to kill you, so do something about it now" and then people try and kill it with Eyeblight's Ending...then you just laugh. Laugh long and hard until no one is paying attention anymore. Then laugh some more.

Shapeshifters. Hands down the most fun you can have with a creature type in Magic the Gathering!

So, you heard it here folks. Jump onto your want list and start adding those Shapesharers, Mirror Entity's and Call to the Kindred's!

Hope you had fun and until next time: Trade smart. Trade fair. Trade here.


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