Thursday, August 25, 2011

When all else fails...

Play Triumph of the Hordes.

While you won't find me at the top of the Sheldon Menery fan list, I can get on board with his Triumph of the Hordes ban theory. I mean...let me start over:

I love Triumph of the Hordes. I think you can equate my happiness playing Triumph of the Hordes is the same as a small child in footie pajamas running downstairs on Christmas morning and seeing a crap ton of presents. However, the payoff of Triumph of the Hordes is like finding out all those presents are socks. Sure they are useful and at the end of the day, it's something you will use, however, you would have been happier with a Gameboy.

Triumph of the Hordes falls into a category that my friends and I have been making of cards that, while not powerful enough to ban, do what they shouldn't do in EDH. Example?

Yep. Cards that should be fine on their own, but they make the EDH rules work for them instead of the other way around. Infect is a mechanic that does this. What Triumph of the Hordes should read in EDH is:

Until end of turn, all of your creatures get +1/+1, trample and all of your opponents life totals become 10.

Yep. Nice and tidy.

I was playing a game last night where I was playing Elves (link goes to deck list) and I was able to go: Concordant Crossroads, Genesis Wave (for 9), Triumph of the Hordes. Win. Did I get the win? Yes. Did I feel good about it? No.

So, you have to look at Triumph of the Hordes as a card that does something that it shouldn't do. We have already banned cards that do things that they shouldn't do in EDH. Does this card warrant a ban also? If we do that, do we ban other cards that simply do things that they shouldn't? You know, that Felidar Sovereign just wins you the game? He does that. Infect is just a mechanic that isn't made for EDH.

However, on the other side of the coin, the argument of why to ban it is exactly the reason why it can't be banned. If you ban Triumph of the Hordes, you should also ban the following:


If you ban something that is related to the mechanic that makes it broken, then you would need to ban the mechanic all together. Triumph of the Hordes is a great card, but, if you are looking for friends, I don't suggest Triumph of the Hordes.

We are going in circles here. Point being, Triumph of the Hordes wrecks.

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